I'm taking a class on Homer this fall, and every time I open The Iliad I think of this quote from Virginia Woolf on my potential comprehension of translated Greek literature:
"For it is vain and foolish to talk of knowing Greek, since in our ignorance we should be at the bottom of any class of schoolboys, since we do not know how the words sounded, or where precisely we ought to laugh, or how the actors acted, and between this foreign people and ourselves there is not only difference of race and tongue but a tremendous breach of tradition. All the more strange, then, is it that we should wish to know Greek, try to know Greek, feel for ever drawn back to Greek, and be for ever making up some notion of the meaning of Greek, though from what incongruous odds and ends, with what slight resemblance to the real meaning of Greek, who shall say?"- The Common Reader
If you got through that quote, good for you. If not, just take from it that my studying Greek translated into English is already highly questionable, so I wonder why I do it.
While I was studying I ran into Patrick. Great guy.
Then I went to Twist and Shout to begin Lil Wayne Day buy purchasing Tha Carter IV. Well worth it.
When I went to put Tha Carter IV in my CD player, I thought it was very ironic that this popped out. I'm not choosing teams.
I met up with Ty and Kehoe for a day of shooting some photos.
Great Mexican vibe for lunch.
Great big Coke.
Classic Denver spot. But nobody was really feeling it. Ty tried to teach me impossibles to no avail.
More banks.
Kehoe and Ty getting some gems.
After skating I stopped by The Shop on my way to the Lil Wayne concert. Tony and Whitney were working on editing the video. I'm very excited about this, things are looking good.
I went to the concert by myself. My friends either: weren't interested, or couldn't afford it, or both. But that's not going to hold me back!
Had to make this purchase.
But, I ended up running into my friend Roscoe at the merchandise booth, so I hung out with him and his friends for the whole show.
Keri Hilson opened up. Don't know anything about her.
Lovell taunted me with his Lil Wayne experience. He knew that I wasn't going to get as close as he did.
Rick "The Bawse" Ross.
He skated on stage all night.
If you look to the far right you can see him throwing down.
Standing on the board while rapping.
Doing a rock fakie (far left) while rapping.
He killed it. Best rapper alive!