Friday, May 13, 2011

Schools Out for Summer!

I'm bummed schools out because I won't see anymore kids longboarding with guitar cases.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll get by for the next three months anyways.
 First thing I did with my freedom... go to The Shop.  We just framed this cool Nate Fantasia poster.  That dude rips.
 I met up with the Greer brothers and got lunch.
 And then we headed over to Steve's.
 This place!?  Yeah, that's what I said.  Still pretty fun though.  At least ten years ago I sacked on the rail here.  I probably couldn't even do that if I tried now days.  I not going to try either.
 After that we headed to Winona Ditch, which was almost really cool until my board went in the water.  Can't win them all I guess.
 Wiz was here.
 So I headed back to The Shop and had to decide between a Toy Machine and Creature that were my size, or an Anti-Hero that was a little too small.  I've only been skating Blackbox and Deluxe boards for a while, but I ended up settling on the Creature.
 And then pho with Brando and Joey.  Right after I took this photo the Nike team walked in, which was pretty random.
The blog will probably get updated a lot this summer, so keep your eyes peeled!

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